Festival Gastro

Festival Food Points

Food Points will be situated all around the city in the each of the festival zones. They will offer a wide range of food to suit everyone, including the youngest visitors. The opening hours of the food points will correspond with the opening hours of the particular zones and payments will be possible cash, bank card or electronic chip.

Food Point náměstí Míru
Food Point park Komenského
Food Point sad Svobody
Food Point Letňák Viva

Festival restaurants:

A special festival menu will be offered by our partner restaurants. Nearly all of them will, in addition to their standard menus, offer festival dishes for a fixed price of 150 – 200Kc, depending on the type of restaurant.

The dishes will not only be available at lunch times and dinner times but also throughout the whole day until the late hours. At restaurants, unlike at Food Points, payments will be possible by either cash, card or chip.

Legenda Steak House, Hotel Zlín
Denní kavárna, Hotel Zlín II. etáž
Restaurace Bohémia, Hotel Zlín
Pizzeria Bowling bar, Hotel Zlín
Lobby bar, Hotel Zlín
Restaurace Baltaci Zlín
Bistro Baltaci Zlín, Zarámí
Restaurace U13 Menza

Koliba U Černého medvěda 
Retro Zlín
Kozlovna Celnice
Faency Fries
Café 204
Vita Sana Club Lobby
Kafe na rohu
Budvarka Zlín
Pilsner Urquell Original Restaurant Zlín

Štamgast a Gurmán