A Ticket to The World of Film. FILMTALENT ZLÍN Will Support Eliška Liška and Krupír

31. May 2024

Will they make it to Venice or Cannes? The authors of the projects Eliška Liška or Krupír have a good chance to break through, as well as ten other proposals that were awarded by the jury during the Pitching Forum at the Congress Centre in Zlín. Young filmmakers with big plans will be supported by the FILMTALENT Zlín Foundation, and two of them will also be presented in Warsaw, Poland.

Students from across the Czech Republic competed for the favour of the Zlín Film Festival jury, which decided to support twenty-nine film projects out of one hundred and twenty entries this year. Twelve of them enjoyed a live presentation during the festival programme. All of them left as winners.

Maximum support goes to the student projects En ten, tyky!, Bloody Joke!, Primum non nocere, Útěk, Mezičasy, Sen o spaní and Znovu rozkvést. The best presentation was given by the team of the feature project Eliška Liška, the absolute winner of the final competition was the animated project Krupír,

said Čestmír Vančura, director of the Zlín Film Festival, at the announcement.

The special prize delighted the authors of “O Tygrovi” and “Safe Space”, who, in addition to the 100,000 support, were given the opportunity to present their film at an international showcase in Warsaw, Poland. The support of the organizers was given to the local documentary project “Tohle město není pro mladé.”

The amount of support for the other seventeen films will be decided by auctioneers and "flapper". The money for the budding filmmakers comes from the auction of artistically rendered flaps, which will take place on Sunday, 2 June 2024 as part of the Zlín Film Festival for the twenty-seventh time.

Since 1998, the FILMTALENT ZLÍN Foundation has supported 437 titles with CZK 35.5 million. Some of these films have been screened in Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Toronto and Annecy, France.

