Cinema off school 2024: Shorts are in!

02. June 2024

What do short films have to offer? Why is it appropriate to work with them in film and audiovisual education? What tactics do different organisations choose when working with short films? These and many other questions were answered at the traditional conference dedicated to film and audiovisual education, Cinema off School, which took place in Zlín on Sunday 2 June as part of the Zlín Industry Days programme.

The ninth edition of the international conference Cinema off School offered a space for discussion about what short films offer and why they are a valuable tool in film and audiovisual education. Participants listened to presentations from various Czech and international organizations that presented their experiences and tactics in working with this format.

The conference programme started with a morning session inspired by different approaches to film education in an international context. Boris Bakal from Croatia, Pantelis Panteloglou from Greece and Evi Karageorgu from Bulgaria shared their experiences with the use of short films in their countries. The discussion focused on the importance of film education, available resources and concrete projects that have inspired teachers and trainers to work with short films.

The afternoon session focused on the Czech environment and approaches to working with short films. A panel discussion with organisations such as AeroSchool, Animania, CinEd and Jeden svět in Schools offered insights into different methods and strategies for using short films in education. Representatives from the Cinema Operators Association discussed the relationship between cinemas and short films, their challenges and opportunities. The conference thus provided a comprehensive view of the role of short films in film and audiovisual education and their potential in an educational and cultural context.

